Politics & leadership: How has Canadian politics changed?

#cdnpoli has polarized many Canadians, but this chapter asks: how have provincial governments and elections affected Canadian politics? Don’t miss our democracy book’s trailblazing Pundit In Chief

This chapter takes the reader on a fascinating journey that will get you engaged in a number of different issues.

Why are Canadians not represented at the federal level? Why do we have candidates campaigning on provincial platforms? How do the 51 provinces work as separate countries when we might have vital similarities?

There are many reasons why Canadians are not represented at the federal level, but without a national agreement on a Canadian constitution and parliaments, this chapter is simply an academic study.

Here are just a few examples: Canada’s constitution is more than 300 years old and has not been modernized since 1982, even as Canadians and their federal counterparts have greatly evolved over the last three decades. This chapter is the first to quantify the impact of provincial political systems and their influence on federal politics.

In 1975, the Canadian federal government sold Metro Toronto and three other major cities to Queen’s Park. The upcoming 2019 election for the mayor of Toronto in Ontario will mark the 50th anniversary of this massive power transfer.

The voting age in Saskatchewan was lowered to 18 in 2011 in a controversial move that will disrupt provincial democracy and deter people from voting.

New Belgium Corporation is based in British Columbia and has become the largest source of carbon dioxide in North America. Why?

How to order PolitiFact Ontario’s free report, “How will the B.C. election impact federal politics?” Click here to request your copy.

How Ontario’s marijuana laws may affect the next federal election.

Kinder Morgan is one of the largest energy infrastructure operators in North America and its federal political influence extends far beyond Canada’s borders. The next federal election in October, 2019, will be a major test of this company’s political strategy.

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